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    education regulations 結果共17筆

  • Taiwan high schools to offer mental health leave this year

    Discover Taiwan’s new initiative allowing students three days of mental health leave per semester, starting this academic year, amid concerns from the National Federation of Teachers Unions about potential school disruptions.
    2024/08/27 16:22
  • Taipei issues 550 citations under new YouBike rules

    Taipei and New Taipei City are enforcing the new YouBike point system, with over 550 citations issued in Taipei and a focus on public reports in New Taipei due to staff shortages. Learn about the common violations and future enforcement plans.
    2024/08/06 20:00
  • Tainan leads with new student safety measures outdoors

    Discover how Tainan is leading the way in outdoor education safety and curriculum development, making it the first among Taiwan’s six municipalities to implement new regulations.
    2024/06/26 11:01
  • Taiwan battles triple virus outbreak, including COVID surge

    Discover how Tainan is leading the way in outdoor education safety and curriculum development, making it the first among Taiwan’s six municipalities to implement new regulations.
    2024/06/26 10:49
  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
    2024/04/24 18:08
  • Taiwan’s MOE ends independent university admissions in 2024

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s recent revision of the ’Regulations for the Individual Recruitment of Universities’ impacting university admissions. Learn about the changes affecting private high schools and exceptions for religious, artistic, and athletic sectors. Discover how this update will impact institutions like CTBC Business School, Kainan University, and Huafan University.
    2024/03/06 18:19
  • New Taipei allocates NT$50M for school security

    New Taipei City intensifies efforts to enhance school safety in Taiwan, allocating NT$50 million for security upgrades and implementing collaborative measures with various agencies. The government aims to foster a safer learning environment through collective action and proactive initiatives.
    2024/02/26 17:03
  • NFTU urges stricter rules for quasi-public kindergartens

    Explore Taiwan’s innovative approach to kindergarten education with quasi-public schools. Discover how the government’s efforts to provide affordable education are facing scrutiny and the debate over stricter regulations to ensure quality.
    2024/02/18 08:00
  • Taiwan high schools to pilot mental health leave program

    The Ministry of Education in Taipei launches a pilot program offering mental health leave for high school students, requiring parental consent and limiting leave to three days per semester. Universities have already implemented similar measures.
    2024/02/17 14:44
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils plan to combat school violence

    Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih presents a four-point plan to address school violence, criticizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s social safety net. The plan includes stricter regulations, preventive education, enhanced security checks, and tougher punishments for gang intrusions. Hou’s response comes after a high school student in New Taipei City was slashed in the neck, putting campus security under scrutiny. He questions the effectiveness of the government’s Social Safety Net 2.0 plan and calls for revisions to regulations. Tung Yao-tsung, president of the New Taipei City Parents’ Association, supports Hou’s stance and urges the Ministry of Education to focus on an intermediary education system to improve school security. Retired teacher Wang Chiung-yuan emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that considers the rights of all students.
    2024/01/04 18:20
  • NYCU announces new branch campus in Kaohsiung for 2025

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai and the president of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) have announced the future establishment of an NYCU branch campus in Kaohsiung. The new campus aims to recruit masters and doctoral students in the semiconductor and AI industries, providing high-end talents for Kaohsiung’s growing sectors. The campus plans to start recruiting for the 2025 academic year. NYCU president Lin Chi-hung cited two main reasons for establishing the branch: nurturing top talents and trailblazing research, and aligning with national talent cultivation policies. The new campus is conveniently located near Taiwan High Speed Rail’s Zuoying Station and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). It offers 15 professional meeting rooms, a 500-seat international conference hall, and a large exhibition hall accommodating 1,000 people. The Kaohsiung city government and NYCU have signed a cooperation agreement, and the new campus will be housed in the existing Garden Villa Hotel and the Civil Service Development Institute, following Ministry of Education regulations for campuses.
    2024/01/03 18:18
  • NEU calls on Taiwan’s MOE to remedy school safety measures

    The National Federation of Education Unions (NEU) has called on Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MOE) to take full responsibility for incidents like the recent student stabbing in New Taipei City. The NEU insists on changes to improve the current situation and prevent students from bringing prohibited items to school. The NEU believes that amendments made by the MOE have unfairly disempowered teachers, as many schools struggle to address students who bring banned items due to fear of backlash or being accused of bullying. NEU President Lin Shuo-chieh pointed out that teachers are hesitant to correct and punish behavior out of fear of being accused of "targeting" students or being reported for bullying. In 2022, the MOE amended regulations on the management of dangerous items carried by students. According to Article 28, unless explicitly stated by law or sufficient evidence suggests the student is involved in criminal activity or carries banned items, their bodies and belongings are not to be searched. Article 29 states that for high school inspections, two or more representatives of parents, student council members, or teachers must be present to examine students’ belongings or spaces. Lin claimed that the MOE’s rules are difficult for grassroots teachers to implement and can easily be twisted into accusations of bullying. He urged the MOE and local education departments to redefine regulations for handling protected students in order to prevent further deterioration of campus safety and safeguard the rights of other students.
    2023/12/27 16:34
  • Low interest in Taiwan’s ’3+1’ military study program

    The Ministry of National Defense has confirmed that only five students have applied for the "3+1 program," which allows for three years of university study followed by one year of military service. Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng addressed concerns about the program’s administrative process and gender regulations, as only male students are currently eligible. The Ministry of Education implemented the program guidelines in June, and the military is working on improving the training aspect to increase efficiency and accessibility.
    2023/12/12 13:41
  • Taiwanese education system rethinks smartphone policies

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the challenges of smartphone use in schools, balancing technology integration with educational goals.
    2023/11/28 11:38
  • Bahwan Tribe demands NTU return ancestral remains

    The Bahwan Tribe of Taiwan’s Bunun people are demanding that National Taiwan University (NTU) return ancestral remains taken without permission from a Bahwan public cemetery 63 years ago. NTU has been accused of shirking its historical responsibilities, leading to disagreements with the tribe. The issue dates back to the 1960s when the NTU College of Medicine Physical Anthropology Research Team took remains from the Bahwan Tribe’s cemetery, ’Lilieq,’ for academic research. The ’Return Bahwan Bunun Ancestors’ Remains Committee’ has approached the Executive Yuan, urging the government and NTU to return the remains and cease depriving indigenous people. NTU claims to have 43 boxes of the remains stored in its research room and has been participating in discussions with the government and legislature since the tribe’s request in 2017. However, indigenous legislator candidate Savungaz Valincinan expressed disappointment with NTU’s lack of effort to establish a relationship with the tribe and refusal to cover transportation and accommodation costs for their trips to Taipei. NTU has recently expressed willingness to return the remains, erect a memorial, honor the deceased as "Great Body Teachers," and provide medical, educational, and sanitary services to the tribe. However, as a public school, NTU argues that it cannot establish a foundation or provide compensation of NT$1.49 billion, citing Ministry of Education regulations. This issue has sparked discussion in Taiwan about addressing historical wounds and the journey toward transitional justice for indigenous tribes, who constitute 2.5% of the population and have historically faced exploitation and discrimination.
    2023/11/19 16:15
  • Agriculture minister returns to teaching after resignation

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education unveils amendments to address the rising issue of campus bullying. The draft emphasizes separating investigation procedures and broadening the definition of bullying. Learn more about the efforts to combat bullying in Taiwan.
    2023/09/20 19:27
  • Classes no longer suspended in case of student infection

    Taiwanese schools implemented health authorities’ new pandemic regulations on Monday, right after the long Mid-Autumn Festival weekend. Starting Sept. 12, classes will no longer be fully suspended if one student is infected with COVID-19. Students will have to take a rapid test, and only the infected students will have to be quarantined.  
    2022/09/23 14:11
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